Fire (Lexx)

In the sci-fi television series LEXX, the fictional planet "Fire" is the afterlife for all evil souls, and the location for much of Season 3. It shares a tight mutual orbit and an atmosphere with the Planet Water, which is the afterlife for all good souls. The souls on Water and Fire have no memory of how they arrived there; they simply "woke up" there one day.

Fire is ruled by Prince, a man with supernatural powers who is revealed to be the embodiment of Death in the series finale. Prince controls certain aspects of Fire such as the ability to reincarnate in whatever form he wishes (He reincarnates in forms identical to Kai and Xev) and having influence over the queue in which evil souls wait to be reincarnated onto Fire (because of the bulk of dead souls, not everyone is immediately incarnated on Fire). Other leaders on Fire wage constant war against Prince; these include Duke, who has lesser supernatural powers, being able to only reincarnate as himself, and Queen, who is the reincarnation of the cannibal warlord Giggerota from Season 1. The other major named character on Fire is Priest, Prince's cowardly lackey.

Fire is an inhospitable planet, with its entire surface covered in desert and open seas of lava. Even when the sun beats down mercilessly on the desert sands, the ground below is hotter still than the sky above. Fire is said to have no water of its own, and people on the open sands during daylight quickly die. The inhabitants of Fire live in enormously tall towers, each of which is a single city. These provide them shade from the sun and keep them cooler by raising them away from the planet's warm surface. Prince's city, Princetown, is cooled by an enormous bellows powered by damned souls forced to pedal on exercise bikes attached to Guillotines.

The inhabitants of Fire frequently raid Water by traveling there in hot air balloons through the planets' shared atmosphere. They do this to collect water, and partly to kill the good souls on Water. But however many times Prince's armies kill all the inhabitants of Water, he and the other rulers of Fire continuously fight amongst themselves until they undermine their rule of the paradise planet and are once more confined to their own tormenting planet. In addition, the inhabitants of Water simply reincarnate and the war continues. For this reason, Prince is excited when the Lexx appears, with the potential to finally destroy Water.

Fire is destroyed by the Lexx under the command of Xev at the end of Season 3. This act frees all the damned souls of Fire, and also frees Prince's spirit from his body. Prince then possesses the Lexx and destroys Water, finally ending his war. As the Lexx begins to search for the nearest planet to feed on, it is revealed that Fire and Water were in the Earth's solar system, in the same orbit as Earth but on the opposite side of the Sun in the L3 Lagrangian point and all the souls from the planets are reincarnated there.

Known cities of Fire

Princetown - The main capital of Fire is ruled over by Prince, the citizens of Princetown endure eternal torment pedalling exercise bikes to power enormous bellows used to cool the city.

Duketown - Not very much about Duketown is revealed during the series other than the simple fact that it is ruled by Prince's enemy and main competition Duke.

K-Town - K-Town is a city that is completely devoid of order and seems to have no form of government; its inhabitants all suffer from major bouts of paranoia and are generally cynical, lazy and cruel. Mantrid reincarnated here. Prince has no desire to rule this city because its citizens are too chaotic.

Girltown - This city is ruled over by Queen, the reincarnation of Giggerota, and an all female Council. It seems to be entirely populated by homosexuals and is also the only city on Fire which contains people who are not evil. The males (or "girls" as they are called by the female rulers) are slaves and are forced to make hot air balloons for all the other cities on Fire.

Hogtown - Is entirely populated by anal retentive bureaucrats who spend all their time trying to document all the horrible things that take place on Fire.
